Crusade of the Director

Markleeville, Georgia

were not themselves, then CRACK! He knew no more…

He awoke in a bed. The first thing he noticed was he was in a tent, he looked around, there were other beds lined throughout the tent. They held wounded and restless people who did not understand why this happened and wanted it to stop. A bandage was wrapped tightly around his head with a red spot that was beginning to change color to a deep brown almost. Two soldiers guarded the tents exit, and they watched almost trance like at the prisoners inside. People who were awake and not resting from their beatings watched desperately at a small television. Steve slowly rose from his bead, and a deep throbbing came to him, and he thought this was much worse than a hangover. His feet did not hit the floor but something furry, that jumped.

”RUFUS! ” Steve said aloud this made people jolt at his voice and they stared for a second, then continued with their business. Rufus the black boxer was even happier than earlier despite the situation he jumped into Steves face and showered him with endless kisses. Steve then wondered why he was allowed to keep his dog, his attention then went back to the gathering of people. He approached and started to faintly hear a familiar voice of the Congress representative that made yesterdays daily announcement this is what he heard as well as the other people who were now prisoners in their own country.

”You must not worry, for the Director knows all and he will guide us to a better way of living. You all will be gathered, do not resist it will be pointless, for the Director sees all, and escape is futile… Then you shall be brought to our new capital in the north. Idaho will soon be the new stronghold, the new kingdom of purity. And you shall all understand once you arrive. The soldiers will not hesitate to use lethal force if necessary if riots erupt in the many camps, you all have been brought to, so please do not waste your life. The other powers of the world have been notified if any act of aggression toward the Director is made, nuclear war will commence, so do not worry about any interruptions in our grand crusade. Relax, be patient all shall be revealed, Director blesses the new America… ” The Congress representative said this expressionless and emotionless. ”What the **! ” Steve thought and tears of fear and emotions poured out of him, he ran to Rufus, as the other prisoners stared in horror at the black television screen. Deathly silence came over the tent. Then horrible panic, people began to scream, yell, and all talk at once. Arms flailed, teeth chattered, and as if everyone (Accept Steve, Rufus and some others) had the same idea at once charged the guards with murderous intent. With almost not even looking at the wave coming to them they lifted their M4s and killed eight of the prisoners, the others fled back to their beads and continued to panic to themselves as the smoke cleared and the gunshots died. The soldiers went back to attention mindless, waiting. Steve was clutching Rufus hard as he stared with bulging eyes at the dead, and the way the guards show no reaction to their kill. ”What the FUCK! ” he again cried to himself.

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