e their legacies.

The sword pagoda, bell, and cauldron were derived from the three treasures of the primitive great dao, and they likely had the Yellow Emperor to thank for being related to swords.
The three prodigious weapons arrayed themselves in an enormous triangle and surrounded Mount Xuanhuang.

Of course, even the four holy kings of the underworld didn’t have the right to be involved in this fight.
What they could do was to protect the sacred mountain and ensure that the Dao Tree wouldn’t destroy the world that the mountain had created.


“So you didn’t die, but purposefully let the three founders of immortal dao cut you down!” Color drained from Lu Yun’s face to see ghostly faces melt together within the void.
This all seemed like a dream.
The enormous akasha ghost in the sky was the one that’d been in Pangu’s tomb!

On his way back to his time, Lu Yun had seen the three founders of the immortal dao cut it down with his own eyes.
When he saw it bubble up from the Dao Tree, he immediately realized what the akasha ghost had been plotting.

It was so strong that it’d dared to latch on to even the great god Pangu’s body.
How would Hongjun’s three disciples—the three founders—have the strength to exterminate it? Instead, it’d used their hand to integrate into the immortal dao.

As strong as the Dao Tree was with the fragments of the Builder Tree and Kunlun’s heavenly vein, it couldn’t become a parasite of the immortal dao.
However, the akasha ghost had used the founders to exit the stage and create a backdoor into the newly-established immortal dao to facilitate its entry.

The Dao Tree had sunk teeth into the immortal dao because of this akasha ghost and successfully replaced the dao immortal realm.
It continuously fed off the immortal dao and even dictated the lives of those beneath it.

The immortal dao was a perfect great dao that shouldered this realm, but the living beings under it had never broken through the three purities realm to reach empyrean realm, much less chaos realm.
All of that could be attributed to the Dao Tree.

With the akasha ghost overlaid on the tree, their combined strength shook Mount Xuanhuang and tore ugly cracks through the bronze landmass.

“Creator realm?” Lu Yun looked warily at the ghost and tree combination.

His ten Yama Kings had returned to hell.
Though they rivaled the old Great Emperor of the Eastern Peak since they controlled the path of reincarnation, they were too weak since they were mere peak peerless immortals.
They wouldn’t be of any help if they stayed, other than to be negligible cannon fodder.

Pure white curtains of light cascaded from the heavenly palace over Qing Yu’s head, protecting its mistress.
A scroll as if a white cloud bank revolved outside the shifting radiance—the Scroll of Shepherding Immortals.
Fuxi had drawn it with the core essence of God and depicted the core essence of divine spirits on it.

This treasure had the ability to counter akasha ghosts, but the one before them was too strong since it was nearly a creator.
If it’d been Fuxi or Leize wielding the scroll, it would be able to firmly suppress the akasha ghost.

But in Qing Yu’s hands, she could barely manage to defend herself.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t leave.
Once Lu Yun destroyed the Dao Tree, she would have to immediately re-sculpt the dao immortal realm.

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